Hello, my name is Mrs. Liz McHugh, the children call Mrs.Liz. My family has been a part of CJB for the past 16 years. Before working at CJB I enjoyed volunteering at school. My 3 older sons graduated from CJB and we currently have a 1st grader. I graduated from St.Xavier University with a degree in Early Childhood Education and received a Masters degree in Curriculm and Instruction from Olivet University. My first teaching experience was with the Chicago Public Schools where I taught for 4 years and was nominated for a Golden Apple Award. After having my 2 older sons, I worked at St.Xavier University as an adjunct faculty member, with a focus on working with pre-service teachers who were student teaching in the field of Early Childhood Education. After staying home for a number of years with my children, I returned to the Catholic Schools as a substitute teacher, teacher aide and now more recently a Pre-School 4 teacher. CJB has been a home to my family and I love being here!